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Poems of Youth and Early Manhood
1823-1834ContentsThe BellThoughtPrayerTo-DayFameThe SummonsThe RiverGood HopeLines to EllenSecurityA Mountain GraveA LetterHymnSelf-RelianceWritten in NaplesWritten at RomeWebsterClever Elsie
Clever Elsie There was once a man who had a daughter who was called Clever Elsie. And when she had grown up her father said: 'We will get her married.' 'Yes,' said the mother, 'if only…García Márquez, Gabriel
(Encyclopedia) García Márquez, GabrielGarcía Márquez, Gabrielgäbrēĕlˈ gärsēˈä märˈkās [key], 1927–2014, Colombian novelist, short-story writer, and journalist, b. Aracataca. Widely considered one of…Pisa
(Encyclopedia) PisaPisapēˈsä [key], city (1991 pop. 98,928), capital of Pisa prov., Tuscany, N central Italy, on the Arno River. It is now c.6 mi (9.7 km) from the Tyrrhenian Sea, which once reached…Proust, Marcel
(Encyclopedia) Proust, MarcelProust, Marcelmärsĕlˈ [key]Proust, Marcel pr&oomacr;st [key], 1871–1922, French novelist, b. Paris. He is one of the great literary figures of the modern age. Born to…Sand, George
(Encyclopedia) Sand, GeorgeSand, Georgesănd, Fr. zhôrzh säN [key], pseud. of Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, baronne DudevantSand, GeorgeämäNdēnˈ ôrôrˈ lüsēˈ düpăN, bärônˈ düdväNˈ [key], 1804–76, French…Balinese music
(Encyclopedia) Balinese music represents, to a large extent, a survival of the pre-Islamic music of Java. It was taken to Bali by Hindu Javanese in the 15th cent. and uses the tonal systems of…Walt Whitman: Songs of Parting
Songs of PartingAs the Time Draws NighYears of the ModernAshes of SoldiersThoughtsSong at SunsetAs at Thy Portals Also DeathMy LegacyPensive on Her Dead GazingCamps of GreenThe Sobbing of the…Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Sensitive Plant Part 1
by Percy Bysshe Shelley Part 2 Part 1 A Sensitive Plant in a garden grew, And the young winds fed it with silver dew, And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light. And closed them beneath…Biographies of Notable Civil War Figures
A-H | I-M | N-S | T-Z Abraham Lincoln Related Links Gettysburg Primer Battle of Gettysburg Fact Sheet The Deadliest Battles in the…