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July 2019 Current Events: World News

Top of Page US News | Science & Technology News | Disaster News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world…

Abernathy, Ralph David

(Encyclopedia) Abernathy, Ralph DavidAbernathy, Ralph Davidăbˈərnăthˌē [key], 1926–90, American civil-rights leader, b. Linden, Ala. A Baptist minister, he helped Martin Luther King, Jr., organize…

101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived

Some fictional characters have had more impact on the world than real people. Allan Lazar, Dan Karlan, and Jeremy Salter set about ranking the “characters of myth, legends, television, and movies […

June 2018 Current Events: World News

Top of Page US News | Science & Technology News | Disaster News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world…

Carol II

(Encyclopedia) Carol II, 1893–1953, king of Romania, son of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie. While crown prince, he contracted a morganatic marriage with Zizi Labrino but divorced her to marry (1921)…


(Encyclopedia) witenagemotwitenagemotwĭtˌənəgĭmōtˈ [key] [Old Eng.,=meeting of counselors], a session of the counselors (the witan) of a king in Anglo-Saxon England. Such a body existed in each of…

Frank Pee Wee King 2000 Deaths

Frank “Pee Wee” KingAge: 86 country musician who cowrote “Tennessee Waltz,” which became the state's song in 1965. He introduced polkas, cowboy songs, and waltzes to the Grand Ole Opry. Died…

Amy Lowell: Francis II, King of Naples

Francis II, King of NaplesWritten after reading Trevelyan's Garibaldi and the making of ItalyPoor foolish monarch, vacillating, vain, Decaying victim of a race of kings, Swift Destiny shook…

Edwin Arlington Robinson: Old King Cole

Old King ColeEdwin Arlington RobinsonIn Tilbury Town did Old King Cole A wise old age anticipate, Desiring, with his pipe and bowl, No Khan's extravagant estate. No crown annoyed his honest…