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Brewer's: Julian Period

is produced by multiplying together the lunar cycle, the solar cycle, and the Roman indiction. The first year of the Christian era corresponded to the year 4713 of the Julian, and…

Brewer's: Pyrrhic Dance

the most famous war-dance of antiquity, received its name from Pyrrichos, a Dorian. It was danced to the flute, and its time was very quick. Julius Caesar introduced it into Rome. The…

Brewer's: Rascal Counters

Pitiful or paltry s. d. Brutus calls money paltry compared with friendship, etc. When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous, To lock such rascal counters from his friend Be ready, gods, with all…

Brewer's: Scriptores Tres

[the three writers ]. Meaning Richard of Cirencester, Gildas Badonicus, and Nennius of Bangor. Julius Bertram, professor of English at Copenhagen, professed to have discovered the first of…

Brewer's: Thunderbolts

Jupiter was depicted by the ancients as a man seated on a throne, holding a sceptre in his left hand and thunderbolts in his right. Modern science has proved there are no such things as…

Brewer's: Triads

Three subjects more or less connected formed into one continuous poem or subject: thus the Creation, Redemption, and Resurrection would form a triad. The conquest of England by the Romans…

Brewer's: Go to!

A curtailed oath. “Go to the devil!” or some such phrase. Cassius: I [am] able than yourself To make conditions. Brutus: Go to! You are not, Cassius.' Shakespeare: Julius Cæsar, iv. 3. GO…

Brewer's: Grammar

Zenodotos invented the terms singular, plural, and dual. The scholars of Alexandria and of the rival academy of Pergamos were the first to distinguish language into parts of speech, and to…

Brewer's: Gregorian Year

The civil year, according to the correction introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. in 1582. The equinox which occurred on the 25th of March, in the time of Julius Caesar, fell on the 11th of…

Brewer's: Barcochebah

or Barchocebas (Shimeon). A fanatical leader of the Jews who headed a revolt of the Jews against the Romans A.D. 132, took Jerusalem in 132, and was slain by Julius Severus in an assault…