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Chauncey Judd: Wooster's Well

David Wooster's Search for the Fugitives Wooster's Well Meanwhile, how passed the time with their prisoner in his place of confinement? Let our young readers imagine it, for it is…

Chauncey Judd: Search for the Fugitives

Wooster's Well Dayton's Den Search for the Fugitives Let us return briefly, and trace the progress of the pursuit. The party that were in search of the missing boy, being joined…

Chauncey Judd: Dayton's Den

Search for the Fugitives Captain John Wooster's Dayton's Den About a mile and a half west of David Wooster's is a naked bluff of rock, the extremity of which breaks into a jagged…

Chauncey Judd: Tobiah and Rachel

Captain John Wooster's Wooster's Barn Tobiah and Rachel Captain Wooster's most important helps in the management of his farm and tavern were a colored man, named Tobiah, and his wife…

Chauncey Judd: Wooster's Barn

Tobiah and Rachel Seizure of Henry Wooster Wooster's Barn When the morning of Thursday dawned, the storm showed no signs of abatement. The wind blew as only March winds can blow,…

Chauncey Judd: Negro Patriotism

Seizure of Henry Wooster Rescue and Flight Negro Patriotism Tobiah was a patriot. With the political principles of his master, and so many others of the residents of that tory…

Chauncey Judd: Rescue and Flight

Negro Patriotism Capture Rescue and Flight The robbers, who had been waiting for Henry in Wooster's barn, became impatient at his failure to give the signal which had been agreed upon…

Chauncey Judd: Prison Life

Newgate Afterward Prison Life Let us draw a picture of daily prison life in the Newgate of Connecticut One hundred years ago. At daybreak, summer and winter, the heavy iron trap-door…

Chauncey Judd: Puritan Training

The Judd Family A Quilting Party Puritan Training In those days the means of education was scanty. For some years a school had been established in Judd's Meadow, to be kept a few weeks…

Chauncey Judd: A Quilting Party

Puritan Training The Abduction A Quilting Party Year after year passed, and still the war dragged on. The battles of Trenton and Princeton had revived the drooping hopes of the…