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Brewer's: High Falutin

or Hifaluten. Tall talk. (Dutch, verlooten, high-flown, stilted.) “The genius of hifaluten, as the Americans call it ... has received many mortal wounds lately from the hands of satirists…

2001–2002 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 2001–2002 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on May 17, 2002, at New York City's Madison Square Garden.Outstanding Drama Series: One Life to Live (ABC)Lead Actor in a Drama Series: Peter…

Brewer's: Cities

Cities of Refuge. Moses, at the command of God, set apart three cities on the east of Jordan, and Joshua added three others on the west, whither any person might flee for refuge who had…

Brewer's: Gibeonite

(4 syl., g hard). A slave's slave, a workman's labourer, a farmer's understrapper, or Jack-of-all-work. The Gibeonites were made “hewers of wood and drawers of water” to the Israelites. (…