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John Donne: The Primrose, Being at Montgomery Castle upon the Hill, on which It Is Situate.
The Primrose, Being at Montgomery Castle upon the Hill, on which It Is Situate. Upon this Primrose hill, Where, if heaven would distil A shower of rain,…John Donne: Appendix A. Notes
Appendix A. Notes 1. Matt. 13:16. 2. 2 Kings 4:40. 3. Prov. 13:17. 5. 1 Sam. 24:15. 7. 2 Sam. 24:14. 8. Ps. 34:8. 9. Prov. 14:30. 10…The first Alteration, the first Grudging, of the Sickness
The first Alteration, the first Grudging, of the SicknessInsultus Morbi PrimusMeditationJohn DonneJohn DonneVARIABLE, and therefore miserable condition of man! this minute I was well, and am…John Donne: Expostulation I. Insultus morbi primus
ExpostulationJohn DonneIF I were but mere dust and ashes I might speak unto the Lord, for the Lord's hand made me of this dust, and the Lord's hand shall re-collect these ashes; the Lord's…John Donne: Prayer I. Insultus morbi primus
PrayerJohn DonneO ETERNAL and most gracious God, who, considered in thyself, art a circle, first and last, and altogether; but, considered in thy working upon us, art a direct line, and…The Strength and the function of the senses, and other faculties, change and fail
The Strength and the function of the senses, and other faculties, change and failPost Actio LaesaMeditationJohn Donne THE heavens are not the less constant, because they move continually,…John Donne: Expostulation II. Post actio laesa
ExpostulationJohn Donne DAVID professes himself dead dog to his king Saul, [1 Sam. 24:15] and so doth Mephibosheth to his king David, [2 Sam. 9:8] and yet David speaks to Saul, and…John Donne: Prayer II. Post actio laesa
PrayerJohn Donne O MOST gracious God, who pursuest and perfectest thine own purposes, and dost not only remember me, by the first accesses of this sickness, that I must die, but inform me, by…The Patient Takes His Bed
The Patient Takes His BedDecubitus Sequitur TandemMeditationJohn Donne WE attribute but one privilege and advantage to man's body above other moving creatures, that he is not, as others,…John Donne: Expostulation III. Decubitus sequitur tandem
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God and my Jesus, my Lord and my Christ, my strength and my salvation, I hear thee, and I hearken to thee, when thou rebukest thy disciples, for rebuking them who…