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John McCain

Candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination by Beth Rowen John McCain Related Links Sarah Palin John McCain’s campaign website Facts…

Brewer's: John

A contraction of Johannes (Joh'n). The French contract it differently, Jean—i.e. Jehan or Jehann; in Italian, Giovanni. Popes. JOHN I. died wretchedly in jail. JOHN II. and III. were…

John Bardeen

John BardeenBorn: 1908Birthplace: Madison, Wisconsin Transistor—Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain shared the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics for the invention of the transistor. The transistor replaced…

John Deere

John DeereBorn: 1804Birthplace: Rutland, Vt. Plow—Deere's plow had a cutting part made of steel and a moldboard made of polished wrought iron which proved more effective than implements then…

John Ericsson

John Ericsson Born: 1803Birthplace: Vermland, Sweden Propeller—Ericsson's propeller—still the main form of marine propulsion 150 years later—replaced the inefficient and vulnerable steam-…

John Gibbon

John GibbonBorn: 1903 Heart-Lung Machine. Gibbon's development of the heart-lung machine made possible the first successful open-heart operation in 1953. Improved versions allow surgeons…

John Roebling

John RoeblingBorn: 1806 Suspension Bridge. The age of the suspension bridge was ushered in by engineer and inventor Roebling. Roebling saw the potential of steel wire as a bridge building…

John Mauchly

John Mauchly Born: 1907Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio ENIAC data translating device—Engineers Eckert and Mauchly invented ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), the first…

John Thomas

John Thomas Born: 1907 Birthplace: East St. Louis, Illinois Fiberglass—In the 1930s, John Thomas, Games Slayter, and Dale Kleist developed the…

John Campbell

John CampbellBorn: Apr. 8, 1955Harness racing 5-time winner of Hambletonian (1987,88,90,95,98); 3-time Driver of Year; first driver to go over $100 million in career winnings.Earl CampbellA…