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John of Nepomuk, Saint

(Encyclopedia) John of Nepomuk, SaintJohn of Nepomuk, Saintnāˈpōm&oobreve;k [key], d. 1393, patron saint of Bohemia, a martyr. He is also called John Nepomucen. He was vicar general of Bohemia…

Bale, John

(Encyclopedia) Bale, John, 1495–1563, English dramatist and clergyman. An ardent proponent of the Reformation, he used the stage as a vehicle for his views. His most famous play, King John (written c…

Dalrymple, John

(Encyclopedia) Dalrymple, John: see Stair, John Dalrymple, 1st earl of, and Stair, John Dalrymple, 2d earl of.

John Climax, Saint

(Encyclopedia) John Climax, Saint [Gr.,=ladder], d. c.649, Syrian hermit of Mt. Sinai. Little is known of his life, but his guide to the spiritual life in 30 steps, The Ladder of Paradise, was widely…

St. John, Oliver

(Encyclopedia) St. John, OliverSt. John, Oliversĭnˈjən [key], 1598?–1673, English politician. He married (1638) a cousin of Oliver Cromwell. In 1637–38 he was, by his brilliant defense of John…

John III, Byzantine emperor of Nicaea

(Encyclopedia) John III (John Ducas Vatatzes)John IIId&oobreve;ˈkəs vətătˈzēz [key], d. 1254, Byzantine emperor of Nicaea (1222–54), successor and son-in-law of Theodore I. He extended his…

John IV, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) John IV, 1604–56, king of Portugal (1640–56). He succeeded as duke of Braganza in 1630. Descended from Manuel I and in illegitimate line from John I, he had the strongest claim to the…

John V, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) John V (John the Magnanimous), 1689–1750, king of Portugal (1706–50), son and successor of Peter II. Before his accession the Methuen Treaty (1703) with England had brought Portugal…

Nicolay, John George

(Encyclopedia) Nicolay, John GeorgeNicolay, John Georgenĭkˈəlā [key], 1832–1901, biographer of Lincoln, b. Bavaria. In 1837 he was brought to the United States, and his family settled in Pike co.,…

Charles of Viana

(Encyclopedia) Charles of VianaCharles of Vianavēäˈnä [key], 1421–61, Spanish prince, heir of Navarre; son of Blanche of Navarre and John (later John II) of Aragón. After his mother's death (1441) he…