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John XXII, pope

(Encyclopedia) John XXII, 1244–1334, pope (1316–34), a Frenchman (b. Cahors) named Jacques Duèse; successor of Clement V. Formerly, he was often called John XXI. He reigned at Avignon. John was…

John I, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) John I (John Tzimisces)John Itsĭmĭsˈēz [key], c.925–976, Byzantine emperor (969–76). With the aid of Emperor Nicephorus II's wife, Theophano, John had Nicephorus murdered and himself…

John VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) John VI (John Cantacuzene)John VIkănˌtəky&oomacr;zēnˈ [key], c.1292–1383, Byzantine emperor (1347–54). He was chief minister under Andronicus III, after whose death he proclaimed…

The Celtic Twilight: Kidnappers

by W. B. Yeats A VoiceThe Untiring OnesKidnappers A little north of the town of Sligo, on the southern side of Ben Bulben, some hundreds of feet above the plain, is a small white square…

John VI, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) John VI, 1769–1826, king of Portugal (1816–26), son of Maria I and Peter III. When his mother became insane, John assumed the reins of government (1792), although he did not formally…


(Encyclopedia) LascarisLascarislăsˈkərĭs [key], family name of the Greek emperors of Nicaea (see Nicaea, empire of). The empire was founded in 1204 by Theodore I, a son-in-law of Alexius III (Alexius…

Sobieski, John

(Encyclopedia) Sobieski, John: see John III, king of Poland.