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Hartline, Haldan Keffer

(Encyclopedia) Hartline, Haldan Keffer, 1903–83, American physiologist, b. Bloomsburg, Pa., M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1927. From 1931 to 1949 (except for 1940–41), he was a researcher at the Eldridge…

Nozick, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Nozick, Robert, 1938–2002, American political philosopher, b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; grad. Columbia Univ. (B.A., 1959), Princeton (M.A., 1961; Ph.D., 1963). After teaching at Princeton and…

John Michael McHUGH, Congress, NY (1948)

McHUGH John Michael , a Representative from New York; born in Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y., September 29, 1948; graduated from Watertown High School, Watertown, N.Y., 1966; B.A., Utica…

Periodic Table of the Elements: Strontium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Strontium Atomic Number: 38 Atomic Symbol: Sr Strontium Atomic Weight: 87.62 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 8 · 2


(Encyclopedia) monopolymonopolymənōpˈəlē [key], market condition in which there is only one seller of a certain commodity; by virtue of the long-run control over supply, such a seller is able to…

John Climax, Saint

(Encyclopedia) John Climax, Saint [Gr.,=ladder], d. c.649, Syrian hermit of Mt. Sinai. Little is known of his life, but his guide to the spiritual life in 30 steps, The Ladder of Paradise, was widely…

Rusk, Dean

(Encyclopedia) Rusk, Dean (David Dean Rusk), 1909–94, U.S. secretary of state (1961–69), b. Cherokee co., Ga. After teaching (1934–40) and serving in World War II, he entered (1946) the Dept. of…

Griffey, Ken, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Griffey, Ken, Jr. (George Kenneth Griffey, Jr.), 1969–, American baseball player, b. Donora, Pa. The son of a veteran outfielder, he joined the Seattle Mariners of the American League…