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They apply pigeons, to draw the vapours from the head
They apply pigeons, to draw the vapours from the headSpirante Columba Supposita Pedibus, Revocantur ad Ima VaporesMeditationJohn Donne WHAT will not kill a man if a vapour will? How great an…John Donne: Expostulation XII. Spirante columba
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, as thy servant James, when he asks that question, “What is your life?” provides me my answer, “It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time,…John Donne: Prayer XII. Spirante columba
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who, though thou have suffered us to destroy ourselves, and hast not given us the power of reparation in ourselves, hast yet afforded us such…The sickness declares the infection and malignity thereof by spots
The sickness declares the infection and malignity thereof by spotsIngeniumque Malum, Numeroso Stigmate, Fassus Pellitur ad Pectus, Morbique Suburbia, MorbusMeditationJohn Donne WE say that…John Donne: Expostulation XIII. Ingeniumque malum
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, thou hast made this sick bed thine altar, and I have no other sacrifice to offer but myself; and wilt thou accept no spotted sacrifice? Doth thy Son…John Donne: Prayer XIII. Ingeniumque malum
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who as thou givest all for nothing, if we consider any precedent merit in us, so givest nothing for nothing, if we consider the…The physicians observe these accidents to have fallen upon the critical days
The physicians observe these accidents to have fallen upon the critical daysIdque Notant Criticis Medici Evenisse DiebusMeditationJohn Donne I WOULD not make man worse than he is, nor his…John Donne: Expostulation XIV. Idque notant criticis
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, wouldst thou call thyself the ancient of days, [Dan. 7:22] if we were not to call ourselves to an account for our days? Wouldst thou chide us for “…John Donne: Prayer XIV. Idque notant criticis
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who, though thou didst permit darkness to be before light in the creation, yet in the making of light didst so multiply that light, as that…I Sleep Not Day nor Night
I Sleep Not Day nor NightInterea Insomnes Noctes Ego Duco, DiesqueMeditationJohn Donne NATURAL men have conceived a twofold use of sleep; that it is a refreshing of the body in this life;…