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Biographies: Selected Comedians

Selected Comedians Bud Abbott and Lou Costello See also Women Comediennes People in the NewsRecent Obituaries Related Links American Film Institute's 100 Funniest Movies Movie…


(Encyclopedia) oak, any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus of the family Fagaceae (beech family). This complex genus includes as many as 600, found chiefly in north temperate zones and also in…


(Encyclopedia) cockle, common name applied to the heart-shaped, jumping or leaping marine bivalve mollusks, belonging to the order Eulamellibranchia. The brittle shells are of uniform size, are…

Madison Cawein: Under Arcturus

Under ArcturusMadison CaweinI"I belt the morn with ribboned mist; With baldricked blue I gird the noon, And dusk with purple, crimson-kissed, White-buckled with the hunter's-moon."These…

Poem: Gerontion

Poem 2 Gerontion Thou hast nor youth nor age But as it were an after dinner sleep Dreaming of both. Here I am, an old man in a dry month, Being read to by a boy, waiting for…

Poems: Rhapsody on a Windy Night

by T. S. Eliot PreludesMorning at the WindowRhapsody on a Windy Night Twelve o'clock. Along the reaches of the street Held in a lunar synthesis, Whispering lunar incantations Disolve the…

Brewer's: Walnut

[foreign nut ]. It comes from Persia, and is so called to distinguish it from those native to Europe, as hazel, filbert, chestnut. (Anglo-Saxon, walh…

Brewer's: Metamorphic Words

Obsolete words slightly altered, and made current again- as “chestnut” for castnut, from Castana, in Thessaly; “court-cards” for coat-cards; “currants” for corinths; “frontispiece” for…

Brewer's: Fig Sunday

Palm Sunday is so called from the custom of eating figs on that day. The practice arose from the Bible story of Zaccheus, who climbed up into a fig-tree to see Jesus. Many other festivals…

Crayola Crayon Colors

A Timeline1903 Binney & Smith Co. introduces the first Crayola Crayons. There are 8 colors in a box:blackbluebrowngreenorangeredvioletyellow 1949 There are 40 colors added:…