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Holst, Gustav

(Encyclopedia) Holst, GustavHolst, Gustavhŏlst [key], 1874–1934, English composer, studied at the Royal College of Music. Grieg, Richard Strauss, and Ralph Vaughan Williams influenced his early work…


(Encyclopedia) AntichristAntichristănˈtĭkrīst [key], in Christian belief, a person who will represent on earth the powers of evil by opposing the Christ, glorifying himself, and causing many to leave…


(Encyclopedia) ChristadelphiansChristadelphianskrĭsˌtədĕlˈfēənz [key] [Gr.,=brothers of Christ], small religious denomination founded in the United States in 1848 by John Thomas. Its members live by…

Didon, Henri

(Encyclopedia) Didon, HenriDidon, HenriäNrēˈ dēdôNˈ [key], 1840–1900, French Dominican preacher and writer. He became known as an eloquent preacher, especially for his eulogy on Archbishop Darboy. He…


(Encyclopedia) Francis, 1936–, pope (2013–), an Argentinian (b. Buenos Aires to Italian immigrants) named Jorge Mario Bergoglio; successor of Benedict XVI. Francis, the first non-European to assume…


(Encyclopedia) LazarusLazaruslăzˈərəs [key] [Gr.,=Heb., Eleazar], in the New Testament. 1 Brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany who, after four days in the tomb, was brought back to life by Jesus. 2…

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?

(Encyclopedia) Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?ēˈlī, lāˈmə sābăkˈthənī; āˈlē, läˈmä säbäkhˈthänē [key] or Eloi, Eloi, lama sabach-thani?Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?ēˈloi; āˈloi […

Caesarea Philippi

(Encyclopedia) Caesarea PhilippiCaesarea Philippisĕsərēˈə [key]Caesarea Philippifĭlĭpˈī [key], city, N ancient Palestine, at the foot of Mt. Hermon. It was built by Philip the Tetrarch in the 1st…

Chabanel, Noël

(Encyclopedia) Chabanel, Noël (St. Noël Chabanel)Chabanel, Noëlnôĕlˈ shäbänĕlˈ [key], 1613–49, French missionary in North America, a Jesuit. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1630, came as a…