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Martin du Gard, Roger
(Encyclopedia) Martin du Gard, RogerMartin du Gard, Rogerrôzhāˈ märtăNˈ də gär [key], 1881–1958, French novelist. Long associated with the Nouvelle Revue française, he first gained recognition with…Kalb, Johann
(Encyclopedia) Kalb, JohannKalb, JohannGer. yōˈhän kälp [key], 1721–80, American general in the Revolution, known generally as Baron de Kalb, b. Hüttendorf, Germany. He assumed his title for military…Bologna, Giovanni
(Encyclopedia) Bologna, Giovanni, or GiambolognaGiambolognajōvänˈnē bōlōˈnyä, jämˌbōlōˈnyä [key], 1524–1608, Flemish sculptor, whose real name was Jean Bologne or Boulogne. Though born in Douai,…Bourbaki, Nicolas
(Encyclopedia) Bourbaki, Nicolas, pseudonym under which a group of 20th cent. mathematicians has written a series of treatises on pure mathematics. The mathematicians have all been associated with…Cardin, Pierre
(Encyclopedia) Cardin, PierreCardin, Pierrepyĕr kärdăNˈ [key], 1922–2020, French fashion designer, b. Italy. He spent most of his early years working in Paris for such firms as Schiaparelli and Dior…Weiss, Peter
(Encyclopedia) Weiss, PeterWeiss, Peterpāˈtər vīs [key], 1916–82, German-Swedish dramatist, novelist, film director, and painter. Weiss's early novels Abschied von den Eltern (1961; tr. Leavetaking,…Green Bay, city, United States
(Encyclopedia) Green Bay, city (2020 pop. 107,395), seat of Brown co., NE Wis., at the mouth of the Fox River on Green Bay; inc. 1854. An important…Gossart, Jan
(Encyclopedia) Gossart or Gossaert, Jan, c.1478–1532, Flemish painter, b. Maubeuge, also known as Jan de Mabuse after his birthplace. He may have studied in Bruges before joining the Antwerp guild in…Clootz, Anacharsis
(Encyclopedia) Clootz or Cloots, AnacharsisClootz or Cloots, Anacharsisänäkärsēsˈ klōts [key], 1755–94, French revolutionary, self-styled Orator of the Human Race. Born near Cleves and a member of…Debray, Jules Régis
(Encyclopedia) Debray, Jules RégisDebray, Jules Régiszhül rāzhēsˈ dəbrāˈ [key], 1940–, French journalist and government official. He went to Cuba, taught philosophy at the Univ. of Havana, and, after…