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Auenbrugger, Leopold

(Encyclopedia) Auenbrugger, LeopoldAuenbrugger, Leopoldlāˈōpôlt ouˈənbr&oobreve;gər [key], 1722–1809, Viennese physician. His findings on the use of percussion in diagnosing chest diseases were…

Herrings, Battle of the

(Encyclopedia) Herrings, Battle of the, 1429, episode in the siege of Orléans by the English in the Hundred Years War. The French, under Jean, comte de Dunois, attacked a supply train commanded by…

Simon, Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Simon, AntoineSimon, AntoineäNtwänˈ sēmôNˈ [key], 1736–94, French revolutionary, often called “the shoemaker,” a member of the Commune of Paris. He and his wife guarded the dauphin,…

De Smet, Pierre Jean

(Encyclopedia) De Smet, Pierre JeanDe Smet, Pierre Jeanpyĕr zhäN də smĕtˈ [key], 1801–73, Jesuit missionary in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, b. Belgium. He emigrated to the United States in 1821,…

Géricault, Jean Louis André Théodore

(Encyclopedia) Géricault, Jean Louis André ThéodoreGéricault, Jean Louis André ThéodorezhäN lwē äNdrāˈ tāōdôrˈ zhārēkōˈ [key], 1791–1824, French painter. He studied with Antoine Vernet and with…

Gros, Antoine-Jean, Baron

(Encyclopedia) Gros, Antoine-Jean, BaronGros, Antoine-Jean, BaronäNtwänˈ zhäN bärôNˈgrō [key], 1771–1835, French painter. He studied with his father, a miniaturist, and with J.-L. David, whose…

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe Jean

(Encyclopedia) Bunau-Varilla, Philippe JeanBunau-Varilla, Philippe Jeanfēlēpˈ zhäN bünōˈ-värēyäˈ [key], 1859–1940, French engineer, prominent in the Panama Canal controversy. An engineer after 1884…

Boyer, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Boyer, Jean PierreBoyer, Jean PierrezhäN pyĕr bwäyāˈ [key], 1776–1850, president of Haiti (1818–43). A free mulatto, he fought under Toussaint Louverture and then joined André Rigaud,…


(Encyclopedia) RoncesvallesRoncesvallesrōnˌthāsväˈlyās [key], Fr. Roncevaux, mountain pass (alt. 3,468 ft/1,057 m), in the Pyrenees, between Pamplona (Spain) and Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (France).…