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Burns, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Burns, Robert, 1759–96, Scottish poet. Burns's art is at its best in songs such as “Flow Gently, Sweet Afton,” “My Heart's in the Highlands,” and “John Anderson My Jo.” Two…

November 2001 Disasters

Nov. 4–5, Cuba: Hurricane Michelle destroyed tens of thousands of homes and caused widespread agricultural damage; five people died. Before striking Cuba, Hurricane Michelle wiped out homes,…

Harold Hitz BURTON, Congress, OH (1888-1964)

Senate Years of Service: 1941-1945 Party: Republican BURTON Harold Hitz , a Senator from Ohio; born in Jamaica Plain, Mass., June 22, 1888; attended the public schools; graduated from Bowdoin…

Christopher Columbus Biography

Christopher ColumbusEuropean explorerBorn: 1451Birthplace: Genoa, Italy Christopher Columbus left home in Genoa, Italy, as a teenager to become a sailor on the Mediterranean Sea. In the late…

DJ Culture

Author: Ulf Poschardt Publisher: Quartet Books Ulf Poschardt's DJ Culture is a surprisingly useful survey history of cut 'n paste sonic lifestyles, although you'll have to head to www.…

Rufus KING, Congress, NY (1755-1827)

Senate Years of Service: 1789-1796; 1813-1825 Party: Pro-Administration; Federalist; Federalist; Adams-Clay Federalist KING Rufus , a Delegate from Massachusetts and a Senator from New York; born…