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Brewer's: Alfonsine Tables

Astronomical tables constructed in 1252, by Isaac Hazan, a Jewish rabbi, who named them in honour of his patron, Alfonso X., King of Castile, surnamed “The Wise.” Source: Dictionary of…

John Keats: Fancy

by John Keats Ode to PsycheBards of passion and of mirthFancy Ever let the Fancy roam, Pleasure never is at home: At a touch sweet Pleasure melteth, Like to bubbles when rain…

Brewer's: Alcantara

(Order of) A military and religious order instituted in 1214 by Alfonso IX., King of Castile, to commemorate the taking of Alcantara from the Moors. The sovereign of Spain is ex-officio,…

Brewer's: Murad

Son of Hadrama and Marsillus, King of Portugal, Castile, Aragon, Leon, and Valence, when those countries were held by the Moors. He was called “Lord of the Lion,” because he always led…

Brewer's: Merlo

or Melo (Juan de). Born at Castile in the 15th century. A dispute having arisen at Esalona upon the question whether Hector or Achilles was the braver warrior, the Marques de Villena…

Brewer's: Plus Ultra

The motto in the royal arms of Spain. It was once Ne plus ultra, in allusion to the pillars of Hercules, the ne plus ultra of the world; but after the discovery of America, and when…

Brewer's: Sancha

Daughter of Garcias, King of Navare, and wife of Fernan Gonsalez of Castile. She twice saved the life of the count her husband, once on his road to Navarre, being waylaid by personal…

Brewer's: Tabulae Toletanae

The astronomical tables composed by order of Alphonso X. of Castile, in the middle of the thirteenth century, were so called because they were adapted to the city of Toledo. His Tables…

Brewer's: Cruel

(The). Pedro, King of Castile (1334, 1350-1369). Pedro I. of Portugal; also called le Justicier (1320, 1357-1367). Cruel (now Crewel) Garters. Garters made of worsted or yarn. “Ha !…

Notable Women Adventurers

Louise Arner Boyd Quiz: Women Adventurers Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators…