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Displaying 351 - 360

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act I, Scene II

Scene IICorioli. The Senate-houseEnter Tullus Aufidius and certain SenatorsFirst SenatorSo, your opinion is, Aufidius, That they of Rome are entered in our counsels And know how we proceed.…

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act V, Scene II

Scene IIEntrance of the Volscian camp before Rome. Two Sentinels on guardEnter to them, MeneniusFirst SenatorStay: whence are you?Second SenatorStand, and go back.MeneniusYou guard like men…

William Shakespeare: Cymbeline, Act I, Scene II

Scene IIThe same. A public placeEnter Cloten and two LordsFirst LordSir, I would advise you to shift a shirt; the violence of action hath made you reek as a sacrifice: where air comes out,…