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Displaying 431 - 440

Cowper, William Cowper, 1st Earl

(Encyclopedia) Cowper, William Cowper, 1st Earl, 1664?–1723, English jurist. He became lord keeper of the great seal in 1705 and in 1706 took a leading part in negotiating the union of England with…

Innes, James

(Encyclopedia) Innes, JamesInnes, Jamesĭnˈĭs [key], 1754–98, American lawyer, b. Caroline co., Va. As commander of a Virginia regiment, he took part in many battles of the American Revolution. He was…

Waldemar II

(Encyclopedia) Waldemar II, 1170–1241, king of Denmark (1202–41), second son of Waldemar I. In the reign of his brother, Canute VI, he defended Denmark from German aggression and then extended Danish…

Tordesillas, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Tordesillas, Treaty ofTordesillas, Treaty oftōrˌᵺāsēˈlyäs [key], 1494, agreement signed at Tordesillas, Spain, by which Spain and Portugal divided the non-Christian world into two…

Brewer's: Have a Mind for it

(To). To desire to possess it; to wish for it. Mind = desire, intention, is by no means uncommon: “I mind to tell him plainly what I think.” (2 Henry VI., act iv. 1.) “I shortly mind to…

Brewer's: Golosh'

It is said that Henry VI. wore half-boots laced at the side, and about the same time was introduced the shoe or clog called the “galage” or “gologe,” meaning simply a covering; to which is…