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Part Two in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source: Not so long ago, the manliest men in popular culture were burly, barrel-chested, even hairy. These guys probably couldn't even point out…

Part Three in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source:John Dyer, 1996 The pressure on men comes from another direction, too. Women run companies, fly fighter planes, and, yes, pump iron — leaving the boys…

Part Four in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source: "There was never any help offered to me. Let's face it, you're not going to be waiting for the T one day and look up and find a sign that…

Part Five in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source: "Women come in waving Victoria's Secret catalogues or Playboy clippings and say, 'I want those breasts.' Men come in and say, 'I want to get…

Part Six in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source: "I think a guy has just as much pressure to look good as a woman. I work out a lot. If I spend two hours at the gym, I expect him to as…

Catherine of Siena, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Catherine of Siena, SaintCatherine of Siena, Saintsēĕnˈə [key], 1347–80, Italian mystic and diplomat, a member of the third order of the Dominicans, Doctor of the Church. The daughter…

Sancho II, Spanish king of Castile

(Encyclopedia) Sancho IISancho IIsänˈchō [key], d.1072, Spanish king of Castile (1065–72), son and successor of Ferdinand I. He conquered (1072) León from his brother Alfonso VI, but his sister…

Satyre Ménippée

(Encyclopedia) Satyre Ménippée or Satire MénippéeSatyre Ménippéesätērˈ mānēpāˈ [key], anonymous French political pamphlet (1st ed. 1594) circulated in Paris in the 1590s. A brilliant lampoon…


(Encyclopedia) TilburyTilburytĭlˈbərē [key], part of the borough of Thurrock, Essex, E England. Tilbury Fort originated under Henry VIII; it was rebuilt and strengthened in the 17th cent. Queen…


(Encyclopedia) SaumurSaumursōmürˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 30,150), Maine-et-Loire dept., W France, on the Loire River. Saumur is noted for its religious-medal industry (dating from the 17th cent.) and…