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The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part VII

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus A quite sneaky rat…

Article VI

[Debts contracted under the confederation secured.—1.] All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States…

Brutus VI

Brutus VI27 December 1787AbstractThe Federalist writers apparently never responded to "BRUTUS." The following "Brutus" article was extracted from his sixth essay, The New-York Journal of…

Muhammad VI, Ottoman sultan

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad VI or Mehmet VI, 1861–1926, last Ottoman sultan (1918–22), brother and successor of Muhammad V. He became sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) near the end of World War I and…

Leo VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Leo VI (Leo the Wise or Leo the Philosopher), 862?–912, Byzantine emperor (886–912), son and successor of Basil I. He added to the work of his father by the publication (887–93) of the…

John VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) John VI (John Cantacuzene)John VIkănˌtəky&oomacr;zēnˈ [key], c.1292–1383, Byzantine emperor (1347–54). He was chief minister under Andronicus III, after whose death he proclaimed…

Constantine VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Constantine VI, b. c.770, Byzantine emperor (780–97), son and successor of Leo IV. His mother, Irene, was regent until 790, when she was deposed by a military revolt. Constantine…

Poynings, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia) Poynings, Sir Edward, 1459–1521, English statesman. After taking part in an insurrection (1483) against Richard III, he fled to the Continent, where he joined the followers of Henry…

World War II Movies, Part 2

From "Schindler's List" to the summer blockbuster "Pearl Harbor" by Beth Rowen     Related Links Memorial Day Pearl Harbor Remembered Stalag 17 (1953) Source…