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Brewer's: Magna Charta

The Great Charter of English liberty extorted from King John, 1215; called by Spelman- “Augustissimum Anglicarum, liberta tum diploma et sacra anchora.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Magnanimous

(The). Alfonso V. of Aragon (1385, 1416-58). Chosroes or Khosru, twenty-first of the Sassanides, surnamed Noushirwan (the Magnanimous) (531-579). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,…

Brewer's: Corpse Candle

The ignis fatuus is so called by the Welsh because it was supposed to forbode death, and to show the road that the corpse would take. Also a large candle used at lich wakes —i.e. watching…

Brewer's: Corpus Delicti

(Latin). The fundamental fact that a crime has really been committed; thus finding a murdered body is “corpus delicti” that a murder has been committed by someone. Source: Dictionary of…

Friday the 13th

Unlucky No. 13 combines Christian and pagan beliefs Related Links Our Favorite Phobias Sports and the Number 13 The Hoax Files Phobias Quizzes Quiz: Phobias, Part I If you…