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Brewer's: Corpse Candle

The ignis fatuus is so called by the Welsh because it was supposed to forbode death, and to show the road that the corpse would take. Also a large candle used at lich wakes —i.e. watching…

Brewer's: Corpus Delicti

(Latin). The fundamental fact that a crime has really been committed; thus finding a murdered body is “corpus delicti” that a murder has been committed by someone. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Magna Charta

The Great Charter of English liberty extorted from King John, 1215; called by Spelman- “Augustissimum Anglicarum, liberta tum diploma et sacra anchora.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Magnanimous

(The). Alfonso V. of Aragon (1385, 1416-58). Chosroes or Khosru, twenty-first of the Sassanides, surnamed Noushirwan (the Magnanimous) (531-579). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,…

Friday the 13th

Unlucky No. 13 combines Christian and pagan beliefs Related Links Our Favorite Phobias Sports and the Number 13 The Hoax Files Phobias Quizzes Quiz: Phobias, Part I If you…