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Gage, Thomas, English traveler

(Encyclopedia) Gage, Thomas, d. 1656, English traveler. He went (1612) to Spain to study and became a Dominican. He lived and traveled among the Native populations of Central America from 1625 to…

Brewer's: Houyhnhnms

(whinhims). A race of horses endowed with reason, who bear rule over a race of men. Gulliver, in his Travels, tells us what he “saw” among them. (Swift.) Nay, would kind Jove my organ so…

Brewer's: Laputa

The flying island inhabited by scientific quacks, and visited by Gulliver in his “travels.” These dreamy philosophers were so absorbed in their speculations that they employed attendants…

Brewer's: Pygmies

(2 syl.). A nation of dwarfs on the banks of the Upper Nile. Every spring the cranes made war upon them and devoured them. They cut down every corn-ear with an axe. When Hercules went to…

Brewer's: Struldbrugs

Wretched inhabitants of Luggnagg, an imaginary island a hundred leagues south-east of Japan. These human beings have the privilege of eternal life without those of immortal vigour,…

Brewer's: Tramecksan and Slamecksan

The high heels and low heels, the two great political factions of Lilliput. The high heels are the Tories, and the low heels the Radicals of the kingdom. “The animosity of these two…

Brewer's: Isle of Lanterns

(The), or Lantern-land. An imaginary country inhabited by pretenders to knowledge. In French, Lanternois. (Rabelais Pantagruel, v. 32, 33.) Lucian has a similar conceit, called the City of…

Brewer's: Amaurote

a bridge in Utopia. Sir Thomas More says he could not recollect whether Raphael Hyghloday told him it was 500 paces or 300 paces long; and he requested his friend Peter Giles, of Antwerp,…

Brewer's: Silken Thread

In the kingdom of Lilliput, the three great prizes of honour are “fine silk threads six inches long, one blue, another red, and a third green.” The emperor holds a stick in his hands, and…

Baron Munchausen: A Second Trip to the Moon.

by Rudolph Erich Raspe Voyage eastward-The Baron i... The Baron crosses the Thame...A Second Trip to the Moon. A second visit (but an accidental one) to the moon-The ship driven…