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Malaria: A Nasty Parasite

A Nasty ParasiteMalariaIntroductionA Nasty ParasiteFever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsA Frustrating, Yet Curable, DiseasePrevention and Cure Charles Lavern, a French army surgeon in Algeria in 1880…

Brewer's: Coins

BRITISH Iron rings were used for money by the ancient Britons, and Segonax, a petty king under Cassivelân, is the first whose head was impressed on the coin. Gold, silver, and copper…

Potential Disasters

Scientists warn potential disasters threaten the U.S.Are the odds worth the worry? by David Johnson The British government appointed a commission to assess the chances that an…

African Player of the Year

African Player of the Year Officially, the African “Ballon d'Or” and presented by France Football magazine from 1970-96. The Arican Player of the Year award has been presented by the CAF (…

An American Heroine

Amelia Earhart and her Lockheed Electra Over sixty years after Amelia Earhart vanished mysteriously in the Pacific during her attempt to become the first person to circumnavigate the…


(Encyclopedia) poultry, domesticated fowl kept primarily for meat and eggs; including birds of the order Galliformes, e.g., the chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, pheasant, quail, and peacock; and…

Area and Population of Countries

(mid-2011 estimates) Below is the area and population of each country. Countries are listed in alphabetical order. /**/ Country PopulationArea (in sq mi)…

Economic Statistics by Country, 2010

Get economic data including gross domestic product, real growth rate, and rate of inflation. /**/ /**/ CountryGDP/PPPGDP per capita Real growth rate (%)…