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The True George Washington: Family Relations

Family RelationsHis FatherAlthough Washington wrote that the history of his ancestors was, in his opinion, "of very little moment," and "a subject to which I confess I have paid very little…

The True George Washington: Friends

FriendsFamily FriendsThe frequently repeated statement that Washington was a man without friends is not the least curious of the myths that have obtained general credence. That it should be…

The True George Washington: Enemies: Gates

GatesTurning from these public rather than personal foes, a very different type of enemies is encountered in those inimical to Washington in his own army. Chief of these was Horatio Gates,…

The True George Washington: Friends: Hamilton

HamiltonThe longest and closest connection was that with Hamilton. This very young and obscure officer attracted Washington's attention in the campaign of 1776, early in the next year was…