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Brewer's: Flower Games
Fêtes held at Toulouse, Barcelona, Treviso, and other places, where the prizes given consisted of flowers. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Flower…Brewer's: Flower of Kings
Arthur is so called by John of Exeter. (Sixth century.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Flower of ParadiseFlower of Chivalry A B C D E F G H I J K…Brewer's: Flower of the Levant
Zante, noted for its beauty and fertility. “Zanté! Zanté, flos di Levanti.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Flowers and TreesFlower of Paradise A B C D E…Brewer's: Flower of Paradise
The Ipomoea or Camalata, called by Sir W. Jones “Love's creeper.” It symbolises that mythological plant which fulfils all desire. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…Brewer's: Flower Sermon
A sermon preached on Whit Monday in St. Catherine Cree, when all the congregation wear flowers. Flower sermons are now (1894) preached very generally once a year, especially in country…Brewer's: Flowered Robes
In ancient Greece to say “a woman wore flowered robes” was to imply that she was a fille publique. Solon made it a law that virtuous women should appear in simple and modest apparel, but…Brewer's: Flowers at Funerals
The Greeks crowned the dead body with flowers, and placed flowers on the tomb also. The Romans decked the funeral couch with leaves and flowers, and spread flowers, wreaths, and fillets on…Brewer's: Flowers and Trees
(1) Dedicated to heathen gods: The Cornel cherry-tree to Apollo The Cypress to Pluto. The Dittany to The Moon. The Laurel to Apollo. The Lily to Juno. The Maiden's-hair to Pluto. The…Ophelia's Flowers of Madness
The Question: What Shakespeare play is this quote from? "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray,love, remember: and there is pansies. That's…The Language of Flowers Quiz
Flowers have been used for centuries to convey emotions and messages. Each flower has its own unique meaning and symbolism, and understanding the language of flowers can reveal hidden messages and…