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Shimomura, Osamu
(Encyclopedia) Shimomura, Osamu, 1928–2018, Japanese organic chemist and marine biologist, Ph.D. Nagoya Univ., 1960. Shimomura was a researcher at Princeton (1960–82) and a professor (1982–2001)…muscular dystrophy
(Encyclopedia) muscular dystrophymuscular dystrophydĭsˈtrōfē [key], any of several inherited diseases characterized by progressive wasting of the skeletal muscles. There are five main forms of the…Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society
Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society De Smet, South Dakota Six of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books are set in the small prairie town of De Smet. Today you can tour her family's…Arnold, Frances Hamilton
(Encyclopedia) Arnold, Frances Hamilton, 1956–, American chemical engineer, b. Edgewood, Pa., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1985. Arnold has been a professor at the California Institute of…Cleary, Beverly
(Encyclopedia) Cleary, Beverly, 1916–2021, American children's books author, b. McMinnville, Ore. as Beverly Atlee Bunn, Univ. of California, Berkeley…cystic fibrosis
(Encyclopedia) cystic fibrosiscystic fibrosissĭsˈtĭk fībrōˈsĭs [key], inherited disorder of the exocrine glands (see gland), affecting children and young people; median survival is 25 years in…Mendel, Gregor Johann
(Encyclopedia) Mendel, Gregor JohannMendel, Gregor Johanngrāˈgôr yōˈhän mĕnˈdəl [key], 1822–84, Austrian monk noted for his experimental work on heredity. He entered the Augustinian monastery in Brno…Maclaine, Shirley
(Encyclopedia) Maclaine, Shirley, 1934- , American actress and author, b. Richmond, Va., as Shirley MacLean Beaty. Maclaine’s father held various…sickle cell disease
(Encyclopedia) sickle cell disease or sickle cell anemia, inherited disorder of the blood in which the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin pigment in erythrocytes (red blood cells) is abnormal. This “…Gene Siskel 1999 Deaths
Gene Siskel(Eugene Kal Siskel)Age: 53 familiar Chicago Tribune film critic who achieved fame through his television pairing with rival–turned–pal Roger Ebert. The two became major film-…