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Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children

Source: National Education Association (NEA). Web: . This list was compiled from an online survey by the NEA in 1999. See also Kids' Top 100 Favorite…

Black Football Players

Notable African-American Track and Field Athletes   Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials…

2006 Deaths: M - Q

Naguib MahfouzMakoArif MardinSophie MaslowRobert McCulloughRobert McFerrin Sr.Darren McGavinEnolia McMillanJay McShannG. William MillerSlobodan MilosevicJohn MoneyEric NamesnikJared…

2001 Intel Science Talent Search Winners

First Place: $100,000 scholarship, Viviana Risca, 17, Paul D.Schreiber Senior High School, Port Washington, N.Y., for her computer science project, “DNA-based Steganography,” which studied…

Cloning Milestones

Scientists hope that the advances in the cloning process can bring back animals that are nearly extinct Cloned bull named Got AP Photo/I.Lopez 1938Cloning…

“Rotting Y” Redeemed

—Borgna Brunner     In one of the most important cosmological discoveries in years, NASA scientists have captured the most precise image of the universe, shedding light on its origins and age…

R - T

Bobby RahalJack RamsayBill RassmussenWillis ReedPee Wee ReeseMary Lou RettonButch ReynoldsManon RheaumeGrantland RiceJerry RiceHenri RichardMaurice RichardBob RichardsNolan RichardsonTex…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Spectral Horseman

by Percy Bysshe Shelley FragmentMelody to a Scene of Former TimesThe Spectral Horseman What was the shriek that struck Fancy's ear As it sate on the ruins of time that is past? Hark! it…

John Donne: Expostulation II. Post actio laesa

ExpostulationJohn Donne DAVID professes himself dead dog to his king Saul, [1 Sam. 24:15] and so doth Mephibosheth to his king David, [2 Sam. 9:8] and yet David speaks to Saul, and…

Final 1998: SENIOR PBA

Top 5 Money Winners TBCR1stEarnings1Pete Couture1294$117,3002Gary Dickinson126160,9503Gene Stus125242,0204Mike Durbin117041,6105Ron Garr101040,215Top 5 Averages TBGamesAvg 1Pete…