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Brewer's: Magi

(The), according to one tradition, were Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar, three kings of the East. The first offered gold, the emblem of royalty, to the infant Jesus; the second,…


(Encyclopedia) MontereyMontereymŏntərāˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 31,954), Monterey co., W Calif., a port on Monterey Bay; founded 1770, inc. 1850. It is a popular resort, the home of many artists and…

The Three Wise Men

The Question: What were the names of the Three Kings (or Three Wise Men), and the gifts that each brought to the baby Jesus? The Answer:…

Serra, Saint Junípero

(Encyclopedia) Serra, Saint JuníperoSerra, Saint Juníperoh&oomacr;nēˈpārō sĕˈrä [key], 1713–84, Spanish Franciscan missionary in North America, b. Majorca. His name was originally Miguel José…

Brewer's: Flemish School

A school of painting established by the brothers Van Eyck, in the fifteenth century. The chief early masters were Memling, Weyden, Matsys, Mabus, and Moro. Of the second period, Rubens and…

Brewer's: Mercador Amante

the basis of our comedy called The Curious Impertinent —was by Gaspar de Avila, a Spaniard. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Mercator's…

Brewer's: Cologne

The three kings of Cologne. The three magi, called Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They are called by other names, but those given are the most generally accepted. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Violin

The following musicians are very celebrated: Arcangelo Corelli, noted for the melodious tones he produced (1653-1713); Pierre Gaviniés, native of Bordeaux, founder of the French school of…

Los Angeles, Calif.

Mayor: Eric Garcetti (to July 2017)2010 census population (rank): 3,792,621 (2); Male: 1,889,064 (49.8%); Female: 1,903,557 (50.2%); White: 1,888,158 (49.8%); Black: 365,118 (9.6%); American…