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Okeechobee Waterway

(Encyclopedia) Okeechobee Waterway or Cross-Florida Waterway, 155 mi (249 km) long, across S Fla., from Stuart on the Atlantic Ocean to Fort Myers on the Gulf of Mexico. Its main segments are the St…


(Encyclopedia) CaniapiscauCaniapiscaukănyəpĭsˈkôˌ [key], river, c.575 mi (930 km) long, issuing from Caniapiscau Lake, NE Que., Canada. It flows generally NW past Fort Mackenzie and joins the Mélèzes…


(Encyclopedia) CelaenaeCelaenaesĭlēˈnē [key], ancient city of Asia Minor, in Phrygia, near the source of the Maeander River, in present-day W central Turkey. In the days of the Persian Empire, Cyrus…


(Encyclopedia) AssiniboinAssiniboinəsĭnˈəboinˌ [key], Native North Americans whose culture is that of the N Great Plains; their language belongs to the Siouan branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic…

Yuma, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) YumaYumay&oomacr;ˈ mə [key], city (1990 pop. 54,923), seat of Yuma co., extreme SW Ariz., on the eastern bank of the Colorado River near the confluence of the Gila River; founded…


(Encyclopedia) MariasMariasmərīˈəz [key], river, c.210 mi (340 km) long, rising in several branches in NW Montana near the Continental Divide and flowing SE to the Missouri River near Fort Benton. It…

Maine, University of

(Encyclopedia) Maine, University of, main campus at Orono; coeducational; land-grant and state supported; chartered 1865 as Maine State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, opened 1868,…

Indiana University

(Encyclopedia) Indiana University, main campus at Bloomington; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1820 as a seminary, opened 1824. It became a college in 1828 and a university in 1838. The…

Junín, city, Argentina

(Encyclopedia) JunínJunính&oomacr;nēnˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 70,138), Buenos Aires prov., E Argentina, on the Salado River. It is a busy commercial center for an agricultural and livestock area…


(Encyclopedia) Dhar Dhar där [key], town, Madhya Pradesh state, central India. It is a district…