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Tracy, Spencer

(Encyclopedia) Tracy, Spencer, 1900–1967, American film actor, b. Milwaukee, Wis. He began his career as an actor in summer stock and went into film work in 1930. His fine character portrayals won…

Reiner, Carl

(Encyclopedia) Reiner, Carl, 1922-2020, American comedian, television producer, actor, and film director, b. Bronx, N.Y. The son of a watchmaker,…

Brando, Marlon

(Encyclopedia) Brando, Marlon, 1924–2004, American film actor, often described as the greatest of his generation, b. Omaha, Nebr. Regarded as the foremost practitioner of “method” acting as taught by…

Washington, Denzel

(Encyclopedia) Washington, Denzel (Denzel Hayes Washington Jr.), 1954- , African-American actor, b. Mount Vernon, N.Y., Fordham Univ. (B.A., 1977).…

Truffaut, François

(Encyclopedia) Truffaut, FrançoisTruffaut, FrançoisfräNswäˈ trüfōˈ [key], 1932–84, French film director and critic. Known in his early 20s as a writer for the influential French film journal Cahiers…

Schulberg, Budd

(Encyclopedia) Schulberg, Budd (Budd Wilson Schulberg), 1914–2009, American writer, b. New York City, grad. Dartmouth (1936). Because his father was an executive at Paramount Studios, Schulberg could…

Takahata, Isao

(Encyclopedia) Takahata, Isao, 1935–2018, Japanese animator. One the most influential directors of Japanese animated films (anime), he joined Tokyo's Toei animation studio in 1959. His first feature…

Jolson, Al

(Encyclopedia) Jolson, AlJolson, Aljōlˈsən [key], 1888–1950, American entertainer, whose original name was Asa Yoelson, b. Russia. He emigrated to the United States c.1895. The son of a rabbi, Jolson…

Bresson, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Bresson, RobertBresson, Robertrôbĕrˈ brĕsôNˈ [key], 1901–99, French film director and scriptwriter, b. Bromont-Lamottie, France. Bresson's films tend to be austere, unadorned, and…

Ah Cheng

(Encyclopedia) Ah ChengAh Chengäˈjûng [key], pseud. of Zhong Acheng, 1949–, Chinese writer and painter. His father, the film critic Zhong Dianfei, was forced by the Communist government to sell his…