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September 2003

WorldIraqi Governing Council Selects Cabinet (Sept. 1): Twenty-five member body will assume day-to-day control of government functions. Islamic Cleric Receives Mixed Verdict in Bali Bombing (…

August 2004

WorldChristian Churches Targeted in Iraq (Aug. 1): Four churches attacked in coordinated car bombings in Baghdad and Mosul. About a dozen people killed. Secessionist Tension Rises in Georgia…

Movies and Film: Surfing the "New Wave"

Surfing the "New Wave"Movies and FilmFrench Film HistoryIt's Art, Stupid!A Century of Cinematic SplendorBefore the WarSurfing the "New Wave"The Eighties and NinetiesTen Fabulous French Films The…

The Commentators

The Text of Sun Tzu Appreciations of Sun Tzu The Commentators Sun Tzu can boast an exceptionally long distinguished roll of commentators, which would do honor to any classic. Ou-yang Hsiu…

Quotations from Classic Love Poems

Celebrating the spirit of love Compiled by Ann-Marie Imbornoni Read some of the most popular love poems of all time by a poets ranging from Shakespeare to Nikki Giovanni. Shall I compare…

Edna St. Vincent Millay: Renascence

RenascenceEdna St. Vincent MillayAll I could see from where I stood Was three long mountains and a wood; I turned and looked another way, And saw three islands in a bay. So with my eyes I…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 19, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 18, 1805August 20, 1805August 19, 1805 Monday August 19th 1805. This morning I arrose at dylight. and sent out three hunters. some of the…