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Brewer's: Full Fig

(In). “En grande tenue. ” Probably “fig” is the contraction of figure in books and journals of fashion, and full fig. would mean the height of fashion. It is outrageous to refer the phrase…

Brewer's: Gamaliel.

In the Talmud is rather a good story about this pundit. Caesar asked Gamaliel how it was that God robbe'd Adam in order to make Eve. Gamaliel's daughter instantly replied, the robbery was…

Brewer's: Gay

(g hard). Gay as the king's candle. A French phrase, alluding to an ancient custom observed on the 6th of January, called the “Eve or Vigil of the Kings,” when a candle of divers colours…

Brewer's: Eden

Paradise, the country and garden in which Adam and Eve were placed by God (Gen. ii. 15). The word means delight, pleasure. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister and President of Russia by Beth Rowen This article was posted in January 4, 2000. Vladimir Putin shakes hands with his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin. (Source/AP) Related Links…

Christina Rossetti: Light Love

Light Love'Oh, sad thy lot before I came, But sadder when I go; My presence but a flash of flame, A transitory glow Between two barren wastes like snow. What wilt thou do when I am gone…

Christina Rossetti: Old and New Year Ditties

Old and New Year Ditties1New Year met me somewhat sad: Old Year leaves me tired, Stripped of favourite things I had Baulked of much desired: Yet farther on my road to-day God willing,…

John Keats: Specimen of an Induction to a Poem

by JohnKeats"Places of nestling green for ...CalidoreSpecimen of an Induction to a Poem Lo! I must tell a tale of chivalry; For large white plumes are dancing in mine eye. Not like the…

Brewer's: Clapper

A plank bridge over a stream; a ferry-gate. A roofing-board is called a clap-board. A little low and lonesome shed, With a roof of clap-boards overhead. Alice Cary: Settlers' Christmas…