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Christina Rossetti: Eve

Eve'While I sit at the door Sick to gaze within Mine eye weepeth sore For sorrow and sin: As a tree my sin stands To darken all lands; Death is the fruit it bore.'How have Eden bowers grown…

Brewer's: Mark's Eve

(St.). On St. Mark's Eve all persons fated to be married or to die pass, in procession, the church porch. `Tis now,' replied the village belle, `St. Mark's mysterious eve. ... The ghosts…

Eve Arden Biography

Eve Arden(Eunice Quedens)actressBorn: 4/30/1908Birthplace: Mill Valley, California Best known for her portrayals of wisecracking, world-weary women, she earned an Academy Award nomination for Best…

Eve, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Eve [Heb.,=life], in the Bible, the first woman, wife of Adam and the mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth. Fashioned from Adam's rib, she was beguiled by the serpent into eating the…

Eden, Garden of

(Encyclopedia) Eden, Garden of, in the Bible, first home to humankind. In it were the trees of life and of the knowledge of good and evil. Having eaten the forbidden fruit of the latter tree, Adam…

Arnold, Eve

(Encyclopedia) Arnold, Eve, 1912–2012, American photographer, b. Philadelphia as Eve Cohen. She moved to New York City at 28, and soon was studying photography at the New School; during this period…


(Encyclopedia) vigilvigilvĭjˈəl [key] [Lat.,=watch], in Christian calendars, eve of a feast, a day of penitential preparation. In ancient times worshipers gathered for vespers before a great feast…

Yom Kippur

(Encyclopedia) Yom Kippur [Heb.,=day of atonement], in Judaism, the most sacred holy day, falling on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishri (usually late September or early October). It is a day…

Ryazanov, Eldar Aleksandrovich

(Encyclopedia) Ryazanov, Eldar Aleksandrovich, 1927–2015, Russian film director and screenwriter, b. Samara, grad. State Institute of Cinematography (1950). Probably Russia's most popular filmmaker,…

Brewer's: All Hallows' Eve

The Scotch tradition is, that those born on All Hallows' Eve have the gift of double sight, and commanding powers over spirits. Mary Avenel, on this supposition, is made to see the White…