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Terrorist Trouble Spots Around the World

by David Johnson The U.S. State Department cites seven nations—Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria—as state sponsors of terrorism. The nations have long been…

Defining Hate Crimes

No longer a Black and White issue by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco This article was posted on August 18, 1999. Buford O. Furrow opened fire at a Jewish community center. The avowed White supremacist…


Capitalize the following:Proper nouns and adjectives derived from proper nouns: Marie CurieChina, Chinese Smokey RobinsonDarwin, Darwinian But vocabulary words derived from proper nouns…

Turkmenistan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note TurkmenistanYoung people in native costume dance during ceremony in Gyami, Turkmenistan, February 11, 2007. [© AP Images]PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME:…

2001 World News Events

—Borgna Brunner The ultimatum issued to the Taliban after Sept. 11 to turn over bin Laden was the last of several such demands made by the U.S. and the UN after bin Laden was implicated in the…

Somalia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Somalia Index: Geography History Government Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Somali Relations GEOGRAPHY The Cushitic populations of…

50 Most Populated Countries in the World

The global population has been increasing ever since humanity invented agriculture around 10,000 B.C. The domestication of food and animals meant that humans had a stable food supply, and could…