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Displaying 201 - 210

Johnson, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Robert, 1911–38, African-American blues singer, guitarist, and songwriter, b. Hazelhurst, Miss. A sharecropper's son, he grew up absorbing the music of Delta bluesmen,…

Carlsson, Arvid

(Encyclopedia) Carlsson, Arvid, 1923–2018, Swedish pharmacologist, grad. Univ. of Lund, Sweden, (M.D., Ph.D., 1951). Carlsson was a professor at the Univ. of Lund (1951–59) and at the Univ. of…

Utzon, Jørn

(Encyclopedia) Utzon, Jørn, 1918–2008, Danish architect, grad. Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (1942). He worked for Eric Gunnar Asplund in Sweden and Alvar Aalto in Finland before opening (…


(Encyclopedia) voting, method of registering collective approval or disapproval of a person or a proposal. The term generally refers to the process by which citizens choose candidates for public…

inspector general

(Encyclopedia) inspector general, a government official tasked with independently overseeing an agency or department. Inspectors general are utilized by many countries, as well as regional and local…

Moore, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Moore, Michael, 1954–, American documentary filmmaker, author, and activist, b. Flint, Mich. A highly personal, populist, and frequently controversial and polarizing documentary…

1999 Year in Review - News of the Nation

Handguns became the issue of the day as the nation grappled with a spate of senseless shootings. by Borgna Brunner Clinton Acquittal | Budget Surplus | Gun Control | Campaign 2000 | Superpower…

Roberts, John Glover, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Roberts, John Glover, Jr., 1955–, American public official, 17th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2005–), b. Buffalo, N.Y., grad. Harvard (B.A. 1976, J.D. 1979). He clerked (…

Proud Boys

(Encyclopedia) Proud Boys, American political movement. Founded in 2016 by Vice Media cofounder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys promotes the philosophy…