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Brewer's: Humpback

(The). Geronimo Amelunghi, Il Gobo di Pisa (sixteenth century). Andre'a Solari, the Italian painter, Del Gobbo (1470-1527). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Lubins

A species of goblins in Normandy that take the form of wolves, and frequent churchyards. They are very timorous, and take flight at the slightest noise. “Il a peur de lubins ” (Afraid of…

Brewer's: Mad as a March Hare

(See Hare.) The French say, “Il est fou comme un jeune chien.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Mad CavalierMacrocosm A B C D E F G H I J K L M…

Brewer's: Tintoretto

the historical painter. So called because his father was a dyer (tintore). His real name was Jacopo Robusti. He was nicknamed Il Furioso, from the rapidity of his productions. (1512-1594…

Brewer's: Barrette

Parler à la barrette (French). To give one a thump o' the head. The word barrette means the cap worn by the lower orders. “Et moi, je pourrais bien parler à ta barrette.” Molière: L'Avare…

Brewer's: Bears are caught by Honey

In French, “Il faut avoir mauvaise bête par douceur,” for, as La Fontaine says, “Plus fait douceur que violence.”Bears are very fond of honey. Bribes win even bears. There is another…

Brewer's: Beaumontague

[pronounce bo-mon-taig ]. Bad work, especially ill-fitting carpenter's work; literary padding; paste and scissors literature; so called from putty used by carpenters, etc., for filling up…

Brewer's: Jenny l'Ouvrieere

A generic name for a hard-working, poor, but contented needlewoman. The name was devised by Emile Barateau, and rendered popular by his song so called. Entendez-vous un oiseau familier? C'…

Brewer's: In Flagrante Delicto

Red-handed; in the very fact. “Il a été pris en flagrant délit”, i.e. “Sur le fait.” In for a Penny in for a Pound I may as well “be hung for a sheep as a lamb.” If the punishment is the…

Brewer's: Cat and Dog

To live a cat and dog life. To be always snarling and quarrelling, as a cat and dog, whose aversion to each other is intense. “There will be jealousies, and a cat-and-dog life over yonder…