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Connecticut State Information Capital: Hartford Official Name: Connecticut Organized as colony: 1636 Entered Union (rank): January 9, 1788 (5th state) Present constitution adopted: 1965 State…

Classical Mythology: Assembling the Argonauts

Assembling the ArgonautsClassical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long…

Classical Mythology: The Cunning Rogue: Sisyphus

The Cunning Rogue: SisyphusClassical MythologyWhat the Hell? Adventures in the UnderworldHades Takes a Wife: PersephoneThe Cunning Rogue: SisyphusThe Not-So-Heavenly Host: TantalusUndying Love:…

William Shakespeare: Henry V, Act I, Scene II

Scene IIThe same. The Presence chamberEnter King Henry V, Gloucester, Bedford, Exeter, Warwick, Westmoreland, and AttendantsKing Henry VWhere is my gracious Lord of Canterbury?ExeterNot here…

The National Inventors Hall of Fame

The Inventors Hall of Fame, located in Akron, Ohio, was established in 1973 by the National Council of Patent Law Associations, now the National Council of Intellectual Property Law Associations,…

2002 Academy Awards

The 2002 Academy Awards were presented March 23, 2003 at the Kodak Theatre. Best Picture Chicago, Martin Richards, producer Gangs of New York, Alberto Grimaldi and Harvey Weinstein,…

2000 People in the News

Nathaniel Abraham,Mehmet Ali AgcaJamil Abdullah Al-AminLance Armstrong,Bashar Assad,Charles G. Bakaly 3rd,Steven A. Ballmer,Barbie,Thomas E. Blanton Jr. and Bobby Frank CherryBill Bradley,…

January 2000 News and Events

WorldActing President Takes Charge of Kremlin (Jan. 3): In one of his first actions, Vladimir V. Putin dismisses Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of former president Boris N. Yeltsin, and other…