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How Big is a Time Zone?

The Question: How far apart are each of the time zones? The Answer: The answer to your question depends on where you are. The world's time zones were created by…

The Auroras

The “northern lights” (Aurora borealis) as well as the “southern lights” (Aurora australis) are upper-atmosphere phenomena of astronomical origin. The auroras center around the magnetic (not…

Brewer's: Aldingar

(Sir) Steward of Queen Eleanor, wife of Henry II. He impeached her fidelity, and submitted to a combat to substantiate his charge; but an angel, in the shape of a child, established the…

Brewer's: Purbeck

(Dorsetshire). Noted for a marble used in ecclesiastical ornaments. Chichester cathedral has a row of columns of this limestone. The columns of the Temple church, London; the tomb of Queen…

Brewer's: Queenhithe

(London). The hithe or strand for lading and unlading barges and lighters in the city. Called “queen” from being part of the dowry of Eleanor. Queen of Henry II. Source: Dictionary of…

The Seasons

The seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis (23.4°) and not by the fact that Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse. The average distance of Earth from the Sun is 93 million miles; the…

The Planets - Mars

Because of its blood-red color (which comes from iron-rich dust), this planet was named for Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, situated between Earth and…

Brewer's: Anagrams

Dame Eleanor Davies (prophetess in the reign of Charles I) = Never so mad a lady. Gustavus = Augustus. Horatio Nelson = Honor est a Nilo (made by Dr. Burney). Queen Victoria's Jubilee Year…

Literary Allusions

Boswell: James Boswell (1740–95) is best known for his 1791 book The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., considered by many to be the greatest English-language biography ever written. His name is…