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Displaying 301 - 310

John Keats: Epistles

by JohnKeatsWoman! when I behold thee flip...SonnetsEpistles "Among the rest a shepheard (though but young Yet hartned to his pipe) with all the skill His few yeeres could, began to fit his quill…

John Keats: To My Brother George

by JohnKeatsTo * * * * * *To My Brother George Many the wonders I this day have seen: The sun, when first he kist away the tears That fill'd the eyes of morn;--the laurel'd peers Who…

John Keats: Addressed to Haydon

by JohnKeatsOn leaving some Friends at an early HourAddressed to the Same.Addressed to Haydon Highmindedness, a jealousy for good, A loving-kindness for the great man's fame, Dwells…

John Keats: Addressed to the Same.

by JohnKeatsAddressed to HaydonOn the Grasshopper and CricketAddressed to the Same. Great spirits now on earth are sojourning; He of the cloud, the cataract, the lake, Who on Helvellyn…

John Keats: On the Grasshopper and Cricket

by JohnKeatsAddressed to the Same.To KosciuskoOn the Grasshopper and Cricket The poetry of earth is never dead: When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees…

John Keats: To Kosciusko

by JohnKeatsOn the Grasshopper and CricketHappy is England! I could be contentTo Kosciusko Good Kosciusko, thy great name alone Is a full harvest whence to reap high feeling; It comes…