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Top 10 Animated Films

The following table lists the top 10 animated films of all time, according to BoxOfficeMojo, including the rank, name, and lifetime gross of each movie. Rank Title/Year Lifetime gross 1…

The Little Peasant

The Little Peasant There was a certain village wherein no one lived but really rich peasants, and just one poor one, whom they called the little peasant. He had not even so much as a cow, and…

Women's Olympic Luge

SinglesYear Time1964 Ortrun Enderlein, GER 3:24.67 1968 Erica Lechner, ITA 2:28.66 1972 Anna-Maria Müller, E. Ger 2:59.18 1976 Margit Schumann, E. Ger 2:50.6211980 Vera Zozulya, USSR 2:…

Brewer's: Doric Dialect

The dialect spoken by the natives of Doris, in Greece. It was broad and hard. Hence, any broad dialect. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Doric LandDoric A B…

Brewer's: Doric Land

Greece, Doris being a part of Greece. Through all the bounds Of Doric laud. Milton: Paradise Lost, book 1. 510. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Doric…

Brewer's: Orders of Architecture

These five are the classic orders: Tuscan, Dorie, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. The following was the usual practice: CORINTHIAN, for temples of Venus, Flora, Proserpine, and the Water…

Brewer's: Doric Reed

Pastoral poetry. Everything Doric was very plain, but cheerful, chaste, and solid. The Dorians were the pastoral people of Greece, and their dialect was that of the country rustics. Our…

Brewer's: Doric

The oldest, strongest, and simplest of the Grecian orders of architecture. So called from Doris, in Greece, or the Dorians who employed it. The Greek Doric is simpler than the Roman…

Brewer's: Haddock

According to tradition, it was a haddock in whose mouth St. Peter found the stater (or piece of money), and the two marks on the fish's neck are said to be the impressions of the apostle's…