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Limbo (Film)

Director/Writer: John SaylesScreen Gems; R; 126 minutesRelease: 6/99Cast: Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, David Strathairn, Vanessa Martinez, Kris Kristofferson John Sayles' latest movie begins…

Deep Blue Sea

Director:Renny HarlinWriters:Duncan Kennedy, Donna Powers and Wayne PowersWarner Bros.; 100 minutes; RRelease:7/99Cast:Saffron Burrows, Thomas Jane, LL Cool J, Samuel L. Jackson In Deep Blue…

Star Trek: Insurrection

Director: Jonathan FrakesWriter: Michael PillerParamount; PG; 105 minutesRelease:12/98Cast: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marini…

A Brother's Kiss

Director/Writer: Seth Zvi RosenfeldDirector of Photography:Fortunato ProcopioEditor:Donna SternMusic:Frank LondonProduction Designer:Roger FortuneProducers:Bob Potter and E. Bennett…

Sports Stars: D - F

Bjorn DaehlieChuck DalyJohn DalyStanley DancerBeth DanielAlvin DarkRon DarlingTamas DarnyiLindsay DavenportAl DavisDwight DavisErnie DavisGlenn DavisJohn DavisTerrell DavisDominique DawesPat…


Director: Jamie Blanks Writers: Gretchen Berg, Aaron Harbart, Donna Powers, Wayne Powers Warner Bros.; R; 105 minutes Release: 2/01 Cast: Denise Richards, Jessica Capshaw,…

Truth or Consequences, N.M.

Director: Kiefer SutherlandWriter: Brad MirmanDirector of Photography:Ric WaiteEditor:Lawrence JordanMusic:Jude ColeProduction Designer:Anne StuhlerProducers:J. Paul Higgins, Kevin J. Messick…

Dan Aykroyd Biography

Dan Aykroydactor, directorBorn: 7/1/1952Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada The grandson of a Canadian Mountie, he veered away from his study of criminology in college to pursue his interest…

1996 Men's Olympic Shooting Medalists

50m Free Pistol: 1. Boris Kokorev, RUS (666.40 pts); 2. Igor Basinski, BLR (662.00); 3. Roberto DiDonna, ITA (661.80). 50m Free Rifle/3 Positions: 1. Jean Pierre Amat, FRA (1273.90 pts); 2. Sergey…

Amy Lowell: An Opera House

An Opera HouseWithin the gold square of the proscenium arch, A curtain of orange velvet hangs in stiff folds, Its tassels jarring slightly when someone crosses the stage behind. Gold carving…