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Blunt, James Gilpatrick

(Encyclopedia) Blunt, James Gilpatrick, 1826–81, American physician and Union general in the Civil War, b. Hancock co., Maine. He practiced medicine in Ohio and later in Kansas, where he became…

Jan Sterling 2004 Deaths

Jan SterlingAge: 82 cool, crafty actress who appeared in the films Ace in the Hole and Caged. She earned an Oscar nomination for 1954's The High and the Mighty. Died: Los Angeles, March 26,…

Robert Sterling Clark Biography

Robert Sterling Clarkart collectorBorn: 1877 Clark and his wife, Francine Clary Clark, became well-known collectors of Old Masters and 19th century paintings. As heir to the Singer sewing…

George Sterling: The Ashes in the Sea

The Ashes in the SeaN. M. F.George SterlingWhither, with blue and pleading eyes, — Whither, with cheeks that held the light Of winter's dawn in cloudless skies, Evadne, was thy flight?Such…

George Sterling: The Black Vulture

The Black VultureGeorge SterlingAloof upon the day's immeasured dome, He holds unshared the silence of the sky. Far down his bleak, relentless eyes descry The eagle's empire and the…

George Sterling: Spring in Carmel

Spring in CarmelGeorge SterlingO'er Carmel fields in the springtime the sea-gulls follow the plow. White, white wings on the blue above! White were your brow and breast, O Love! But I…

George Sterling: The Dust Dethroned

The Dust DethronedGeorge SterlingSargon is dust, Semiramis a clod! In crypts profaned the moon at midnight peers; The owl upon the Sphinx hoots in her ears, And scant and sear the desert…

George Sterling: The First Food

The First FoodGeorge SterlingMother, in some sad evening long ago, From thy young breast my groping lips were taken, Their hunger stilled, so soon again to waken, But nevermore that holy…

McKay, Donald

(Encyclopedia) McKay, DonaldMcKay, Donaldməkāˈ, məkīˈ [key], 1810–80, American shipbuilder, b. Nova Scotia. He opened his own shipyard in Newburyport, Mass., in 1841, then moved to Boston in 1845. He…

Donald, David Herbert

(Encyclopedia) Donald, David Herbert, 1920–2009, American historian, b. Goodman, Miss. After receiving his Ph.D. from the Univ. of Illinois in 1946, he taught at Columbia (1947–49; 1951–59), Smith (…