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Cedric Dempsey

Cedric DempseyBorn: Apr. 14, 1932College sports succeeded Dick Schultz as NCAA executive director (title later changed to president) in 1993 and served until the end of 2002; former athletic…

French Open, 2009

(Paris, France, May 24-June 7, 2009) Find the men's and women's winners of the 2009 French Open, including the names of final match participants and their final scores…

Betsy DeVos

Betsy DeVos is the major Republican fundraiser from Michigan who was picked by President Donald Trump in 2016 to head the U.S. Department of Education. Her experience in education comes not as a…

Sheldon Leonard 1997 Deaths

Sheldon Leonard actor, producer Leonard began his career in Hollywood in the 1940s, appearing as sinister figures in several films, including The Thin Man, A Pocketful of Miracles and It's…

Clifton Hillegass 2001 Deaths

Clifton HillegassAge: 83 publisher who created Cliffs Notes, the popular series of study guides to literature. The yellow-and-black-covered books have been used by millions of students for a…

Valerie Plame Wilson, 2006 News

former covert CIA agent, and her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, sued Vice President Dick Cheney, his former top aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and presidential adviser…

Patrick Stewart

British actor Patrick Stewart is best known to most audiences as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94). Throughout the 1960s and '70s Stewart was…

Bernard Werber

Bernard Werber's Ants trilogy of made him one of France's most popular science fiction novelists in the 1990s. Werber began studying journalism in 1982 in Paris, where he discovered the work of sci-…

Other PBA Tournaments, 2006

Earl Anthony Medford Classic—Brian Himmler 214, Mika Koivuniemi 204Dick Weber Open—Jason Couch 241, Park Bohn III 214Motel 6 Phoenix Classic—Ritchie Allen 232, Del Ballard Jr. 207Jackson…