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Marx Brothers Biography

Marx Brothers comedians Team of film, vaudeville and Broadway comedians known for surreal humor and ground-breaking movie comedy. They soon signed up with Paramount, making The Cocoanuts (1929…

Brewer's: Doric Reed

Pastoral poetry. Everything Doric was very plain, but cheerful, chaste, and solid. The Dorians were the pastoral people of Greece, and their dialect was that of the country rustics. Our…

Brewer's: Erse

(1 syl.). The native language of the West Highlanders of Scotland, who are of Irish origin. It is a variant of Irish. Applied by the Scotch Lowlanders to the Highland dialect of Gaelic. In…

Brewer's: Midwife

(Anglo-Saxon, mid, with; wif, woman). The nurse who is with the mother in her labour. Midwife of men's thoughts. So Socrates termed himself; and, as Mr. Grote observes, “No other man ever…

Brewer's: Ree

Right. Thus teamers say to a leading horse, “Ree!” when they want it to turn to the right, and “Hey!” for the contrary direction. (Saxon, reht; German, recht; Latin, rectus; various…

The Congress of Women: An African Expedition

by Mrs. May French Sheldon F. R. G. S. The Women of BohemiaWoman's Place in LettersAn African Expedition Mrs. May French Sheldon was born in Bridgewater, Pa., May 10, 1847. Her parents were…

Asian Food Primer: Indonesian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Brewer's: Dodona

A famous oracle in Epiros, and the most ancient of Greece. It was dedicated to Zeus (Jupiter), and situate in the village of Dodona. The tale is, that Jupiter presented his daughter Thebe…

Brewer's: Primum Mobile

in the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, was the tenth (not ninth) sphere, supposed to revolve from east to west in twenty-four hours, carrying with it all the other spheres. The eleven…

The Philosophy of Antoninus

The Philosophy of Antoninus by George Long, M. A. IT has been said that the Stoic philosophy first showed its real value when it passed from Greece to Rome. The doctrines of Zeno and his…