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Fifth Avenue
(Encyclopedia) Fifth Avenue, famous north-south street of the borough of Manhattan, New York City. It begins at Washington Square and ends at the Harlem River. Between 34th and 59th streets, Fifth…Tiselius, Arne
(Encyclopedia) Tiselius, ArneTiselius, Arneärˈnə tēsāˈlyəs [key], 1902–71, Swedish biochemist. He received the 1948 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing new methods of separating and detecting…Benaiah
(Encyclopedia) BenaiahBenaiahbēnāˈyə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's warriors, faithful in David's old age to Solomon. 2 Warrior under David. 3 Levite of the reign of Hezekiah. 4 Father of…David, Jacques-Louis
(Encyclopedia) David, Jacques-LouisDavid, Jacques-Louiszhäk-lwēˈ dävēdˈ [key], 1748–1825, French painter. David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his…ROCKEFELLER, John Davison IV (Jay), Congress, WV (1937)
Senate Years of Service: 1985- Party: Democrat ROCKEFELLER, John Davison IV (Jay), (nephew of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, great-grandson of Nelson Aldrich, and son-in-law of Charles Harting…John Davison IV (Jay) ROCKEFELLER, Congress, WV (1937)
Senate Years of Service: 1985-2015 Party: Democrat ROCKEFELLER John Davison IV (Jay) , a Senator from West Virginia; born in New York City, June 18, 1937; graduated, Phillips Academy, Exeter, N.H…David, city, Panama
(Encyclopedia) David David dävēdˈ [key], city, capital of Chiriquí prov., SW Panama. It is a regional…Shephatiah
(Encyclopedia) ShephatiahShephatiahshĕfətīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's mighty men. 2 Chief Simeonite under David. 3 Son of David. 4 Son of Jehoshaphat. 5 Prince in Jeremiah's time. 6…Milles, Carl
(Encyclopedia) Milles, CarlMilles, Carlmĭlˈəs [key], 1875–1955, Swedish-American sculptor, whose name originally was Carl Emil Wilhelm Anderson. Influenced by Rodin, he studied in Paris from 1897…Vincent, George Edgar
(Encyclopedia) Vincent, George Edgar, 1864–1941, American educator, organizer, and sociologist, b. Rockford, Ill., grad. Yale, 1885, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1896; son of Bishop John Heyl Vincent. He…