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Edward III
(Encyclopedia) Edward III, 1312–77, king of England (1327–77), son of Edward II and Isabella. Edward's long reign saw many constitutional developments. Most important of these was the emergence of…Constantine, Russian grand duke
(Encyclopedia) Constantine (Konstantin Pavlovich)Constantinekənstəntyēnˈ pävˈləvĭch [key], 1779–1831, Russian grand duke, second son of Czar Paul I and brother of Alexander I and Nicholas I. On the…Class Day
Class DayThe clerk of the weather evidently has a regard for young people, and sends sunshine for class days as often as he can. An especially lovely one shone over Plumfield as this…Luxembourg Palace
(Encyclopedia) Luxembourg Palace, large Renaissance palace in Paris, on the left bank of the Seine near the Sorbonne. It was built (1615–20) for Marie de' Medici by Salomon de Brosse on the site of a…Mackay, Hugh
(Encyclopedia) Mackay, HughMackay, Hughməkīˈ [key], 1640?–1692, Scottish soldier. After service with several continental armies, he joined the Dutch forces in 1673, took his regiment to England (1685…Miller, Stephen
(Encyclopedia) Miller, Stephen, 1985–, American political consultant and government official, b. Santa Monica, Calif., B.A. Duke, 2007. A conservative Republican, Miller worked for the Senate…Charolais
(Encyclopedia) CharolaisCharolaisshärôlāˈ [key], small region, Saône-et-Loire dept., E central France, in Burgundy, in the Massif Central, named after the town of Charolles. Cattle breeding is the…Cialdini, Enrico
(Encyclopedia) Cialdini, EnricoCialdini, Enricoănrēˈkō chäldēˈnē [key], 1811–92, Italian general and diplomat. During the wars leading to Italian unification he fought in Sardinian service in the…Delaroche, Hippolyte
(Encyclopedia) Delaroche, HippolyteDelaroche, Hippolyteēpôlētˈ dəlärôshˈ [key], 1797–1856, French historical and portrait painter, known as Paul Delaroche. He studied with Gros. The exhibition of his…Dalberg, Karl Theodor, Freiherr von
(Encyclopedia) Dalberg, Karl Theodor, Freiherr vonDalberg, Karl Theodor, Freiherr vonkärl tāˈədôrˌ frīˈhĕr fôn dälˈbĕrk [key], 1744–1817, German statesman, of an ancient noble family prominent in…