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Displaying 361 - 370

Lawrence Davis TYSON, Congress, TN (1861-1929)

Senate Years of Service: 1925-1929 Party: Democrat TYSON Lawrence Davis , a Senator from Tennessee; born on a farm near Greenville, Pitt County, N.C., July 4, 1861; attended the county schools…

William Lawrence SCOTT, Congress, PA (1828-1891)

SCOTT William Lawrence , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Washington, D.C., July 2, 1828; attended the common schools and Hampden-Sidney Academy in Virginia; page in the House of…

Lawrence Yates SHERMAN, Congress, IL (1858-1939)

Senate Years of Service: 1913-1921 Party: Republican SHERMAN Lawrence Yates , a Senator from Illinois; born near Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, November 8, 1858; moved with his parents to Illinois…

Marcus Lawrence WARD, Congress, NJ (1812-1884)

WARD Marcus Lawrence , a Representative from New Jersey; born in Newark, N.J., November 9, 1812; received a limited schooling; engaged in candle manufacturing; delegate to the Republican National…

Lawrence Patton McDONALD, Congress, GA (1935-1983)

McDONALD Lawrence Patton , a Representative from Georgia; born in Atlanta, Fulton County, Ga., April 1, 1935; educated in the public elementary schools of Georgia; graduated, Darlington High School…

Lawrence Edward McGANN, Congress, IL (1852-1928)

McGANN Lawrence Edward , a Representative from Illinois; born in Galway, Ireland, February 2, 1852; immigrated to the United States in 1855 with his mother, who settled in Milford, Mass.; attended…

Quebec, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Quebec, Fr. Québec, city (1991 pop. 167,517), provincial capital, S Que., Canada, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles rivers. The population is largely French…

Laughlin, Robert Betts

(Encyclopedia) Laughlin, Robert Betts, 1950–, American physicist, b. Visalia, Calif., Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979. Laughlin was a researcher at Lawrence Livermore National…

Lowell, Percival

(Encyclopedia) Lowell, Percival, 1855–1916, American astronomer, b. Boston, grad. Harvard, 1876; brother of Abbott Lawrence Lowell and Amy Lowell. He visited Korea and Japan, where he acted as…

Houston Symphony

(Encyclopedia) Houston Symphony. Founded in 1913 with 33 players, the orchestra reorganized in 1930 and presented its first full season of concerts in 1931. Among its important conductors have been…