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Maurice H. Stans 1998 Deaths

Maurice H. StansAge: 90 wealthy businessman who served as Bureau of the Budget director for President Eisenhower and Commerce Secretary and fund-raiser for President Nixon. He pleaded guilty…

Peter Rodino 2005 Deaths

Peter RodinoAge: 95 former Democratic congressman from New Jersey who as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee led the impeachment hearings of President Nixon. Died: West Orange, N.J.,…

Famous Presidential Speeches

Fireside chats, inaugural speeches, war declarations, and more George Washington First Inaugural AddressFarewell Address Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg…

Ralph Burton Rogers 1997 Deaths

Ralph Burton Rogersphilanthropist A successful businessman, Rogers was one of the founders of PBS and served as its chairman for several years. He is credited with having fended off the Nixon…

David Cadena 1998 Deaths

David CadenaAge: 17 outfielder for Laredo J.W. Nixon High School who was killed after being struck in the chest by a pitched ball while batting against Uvalde High School in the Border…

John Ehrlichman Biography

John EhrlichmanAge: 73 infamous domestic affairs adviser for President Nixon who played an integral role in the Watergate scandal. After spending 18 months in prison for obstruction of…

Howard K. Smith 2002 Deaths

Howard K. SmithAge: 87 opinionated broadcast journalist who covered WWII, the Nuremberg trials, the cold war, and the civil rights protests of the 1960s. In 1960 he moderated the first…

Jack Paar 2004 Deaths

Jack PaarAge: 85 comedian who was the unpredictable, intelligent host of the Tonight Show from 1957 to 1962. His guests included a mix of celebrities, politicians, and wits, including Richard…