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The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XIV

Paradiso: Canto XIIIParadiso: Canto XVParadiso: Canto XIV From centre unto rim, from rim to centre, In a round vase the water moves itself, As from without 'tis struck or from within…

A Star's Magnitude

Magnitude is the degree of brightness of a star. In 1856, British astronomer Norman Pogson proposed a quantitative scale of stellar magnitudes, which was adopted by the astronomical…

Isaiah: 13

Isaiah Chapter 13 1 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they…

Sun, Moon, and Stars: May 2001

Movement of the heavenly bodies: May 2001   May Calendar Moon Phase Day Phenomenon Hour (UT) Hour (EST) 2 The Moon is at its perigee, or closest point to Earth in its…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XIII

Paradiso: Canto XIIParadiso: Canto XIVParadiso: Canto XIII Let him imagine, who would well conceive What now I saw, and let him while I speak Retain the image as a steadfast rock,…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XV

Paradiso: Canto XIVParadiso: Canto XVIParadiso: Canto XV A will benign, in which reveals itself Ever the love that righteously inspires, As in the iniquitous, cupidity, Silence…

America's Cup Record

First race in 1851 around Isle of Wight, Cowes, England. First defense and all others through 1920 held 30 miles off New York Bay. Races since 1930 held 30…